Since 2010, Supercrawl has showcased visual art installations in a variety of media, including projects and artwork by Hiba Abdallah, Kim Adams, Donna Akrey, Mark Ainslie, Asli Alin, All Our Relations Collective, Jaime Angelopoulos, Sonny Assu, C.R. Avery, Nedda Baba, Mary Anne Barkhouse, Sarah Beck, Monique Aura Bedard, Beehive Craft Collective, Connor Bennett, BGL, Kiera Boult, David Brooks, Adam David Brown, Lea Bucknell, Dawn Hackett Burns, Nathan Eugene Carson, Tia Cavanagh, Tracie Ching, Jefferson Campbell-Cooper, Roy Caussy, Clear Eyes Collective, David Collier, Vanessa Crosbie Ramsay, Adrienne Crossman, Nathan Cyprys, Marco D’Andrea, Shayne Dark, Tanya Davis, Sara Deck, John Dickson, Eric Drass, dpai architecture, Dean Drever, Jason Edmiston, En Masse, Justin Erickson, Simon Frank, Jason Freiburger, Melissa General, Shlomi Greenspan, Group of 7 Billion, Ann Marie Hadcock, Anitra Hamilton, Hamilton Perambulatory Unit, John Haney, Adad Hannah, Sandi Hartling, Alexa Hatanaka, Robert Hengeveld, Dave Hind, Katie Huckson, Alicia Hunt, Natalie Hunter, Alex Jacobs-Blum, Erika James, Carey Jernigan, Thea Jones, Svava Thordis Juliusson, kírkē, Jason Krugman, Ness Lee, Maria Legault, Gareth Lichty, Tor Lukasik-Foss, Drew MacEachern, Vincent Marcone, Kelly Mark, Laura Marotta, Sean Martindale, Christopher McLeod, Nancy Anne McPhee, Andrew McPhail, Robert Michael, Zeke Moores, Amber Helene Müller St. Thomas, Marie-Jeanne Musiol, Shelley Niro, Susy Oliveira, Andrew Owen, Patrick Paine, Megan Press, Mark Prier, Sean Procyk, Nathalie Quagliotto, Red Tree Collective, Paige Reynolds, Jim Riley, Mitch Robertson, Jessica A. Rodríguez, Matt Rogalsky, Al Runt, Dustin Seabrook, Shake-n-Make, Chris Shepherd, Coral Short, Kimber Sider, Site 3 Fire Arts, Skawennati, Stephanie Springgay, St Marie φ Walker, stylo starr, Jordyn Stewart, Kyle Stewart, Max Streicher, Kearon Roy Taylor, Tyler Tekatch, Reece Terris, TH&B, Alison Thompson, Patrick Thompson, Matt Ryan Tobin, Kevin Tong, José Luis Torres, Brandon Vickerd, Matthew Walker, C. Wells, Elinor Whidden, Peter Michael Wilson, Tom Wilson, and Shellie Zhang. That roster will expand with the release of details around the 16th annual edition of Supercrawl in June 2024.
Supercrawl provides opportunities to local, regional and national artists and performers at both early and established stages of their practices. An annual call for submissions is issued to invite proposals from artists working in a variety of media.
Art-loving festival-goers will also find numerous gallery spaces and artists’ studios in and around Supercrawl’s neighbourhood, including Art Gallery of Hamilton, The Assembly, B-SIDE, Centre[3], Coloma Studio, Gallery 4 Annex, Melanie Gillis Studio, Hamilton Artists Inc., HCA Gallery, Mills Hardware, RE-Create Outreach Art Studio, Studio on James, The Studios at Hotel Hamilton, Workers Arts and Heritage Centre and You Me Gallery.