Supercrawl Lineups: 16 Years of Dazzling Music


Since 2009, Supercrawl has hosted a vibrant range of compelling and contemporary musical talent. Whether through the signature on-street festival weekend, partnered presentations, club series, or ticketed events, Supercrawl consistently showcases the best of local live music alongside national and international artists.

Image of Sifu Amayo, lead singer of Antibalas, performing at Supercrawl 2014. Stage lighting is a warm mix of reds and yellows. Amayo is wearing a red shirt and golden-orange vest, singing into a microphone that he holds in his left hand while holding a drum stick in his left hand, index finger pointed skyward.

The kaleidoscopic roster of Supercrawl alumni runs into the high hundreds and includes A Tribe Called Red, The Acorn, Jeremie Albino, Allegories, Altameda, The Altobeelays, Alvvays, Matt Andersen, Antibalas, The Anti-Queens, Arkells, Art Pop Ensemble, A Side B Side, Ascot Royals, Astral Witch, Athanase, Rich Aucoin, Averages, Kee Avil, Avrha, AysanabeeBackbiters, BADBADNOTGOOD, Bad Dates, Bad Waitress, Bahamas, Tim Baker, Adam BaldwinThe Bandicoots, Tynomi Banks, The Barettas, James Barker BandBasement Revolver, Bathing, BB Guns, The Beaches, Sarah Beatty, The Be Sharps, Beef Boys, Beelays, BegoniaBeliefs, Belle Game, Bend It Like Beck, Ridley Bent, The Beverleys, Big Fir, Big Wreck, Bile Sister, Bill and the Art Crawlers, Billy Moon, Billy Talent, Everett Bird, Rae Billing & Crybaby, Black Baron, Black Collar UnionBlack Rhino Riot, Blackie & the Rodeo Kings, Blandlord, Blind Mule, Blunt Chunks, Bocce, Bombino,

Photograph of Arkells at Supercrawl 2014, taken from back of stage looking toward the audience. Photo shows a street completely filled with people far into the distance, all washed with violet stage lighting.

Bonjay, Boo Seeka, Kate BoothmanBorn in the Eighties, Born Ruffians, Jessie BowerBowjia, Boy & Bear, Boy Golden, Boyhood, Boys and Girls Club, Charles Bradley, Bravestation, Breeze, Broken Social Scene, BrosThe Bros. Landreth, Brott Opera, Bruce Peninsula, Brusque Twins, Jennifer Budd, Buddah AbusahBasia Bulat, Katie Bulley, Thomas Cade, Cadence Weapon, Ben CaplanCaribou, Carmen on Tap, Carpenteers, Casper Skulls, Jennifer Castle, Catl, Caveboy, Century Palm, Change of Heart, Nuela Charles, Tanika Charles & the Wonderfuls, Evelyn Charlotte-Joe, Chastity, Chelsea Light Moving, Rita Chiarelli, Paul Chin, Choir! Choir! Choir!, Choose Up, Chore, Nicole Christian, City and the Sea, Sam Coffey & The Iron Lungs, Laura Cole, Colour Film, Comet Control, Command Sisters, The Commissionaires, Cootes Paradise

Photograph of Broken Social Scene at Supercrawl 2018.

Charlotte Cornfield, Coszmos Quartette, Cowlick, Coy Haste, William Crighton, Cross Dog, The Crowleys, Crrotting, Crystal Journey, Customaries, Aron D’Alesio, Danko JonesThe Danks, Dead Tired, Dear Rouge, Dearly Beloved, The Dears, Death From Above 1979, Matthew de Zoete, Diamond Rings, Digging Roots, The Dill, Dilly Dally. Dinner Belles, Dinosaur Bones, The Diodes, Dirty Frigs, The Dirty Nil, Discography DJs, Dizzy, Dizzy Spells, DJ Basco, DJ Ollie, DJ Spinn, Doldrums, Doobie Freaks, Don Vail, Doomsquad, Dr. Draw, Kevin Drew, Ducats, Dwayne Gretzky, Earth Wind and Choir, The East Pointers, Eccodek, Dan EdmondsEgyptrixx, Eight and a Half, Electroluminescent, Elk, EllevatorElliott Brood, Joel Elliot and Thin Lines, Ellis, John Ellison, The Elwins, Emay, Engine Empire, Eschaton, Espanola, Essen, Etiquette, Explosions In The Sky, Julie Fader, Fake Palms, Fame Cartel, 

Photograph of Indo-Canadian rapper Fateh at Supercrawl 2019.

Family of ThingsFast Romantics, Fateh, Michael Feuerstack, Fionn, Jeremy Fisher, Jeremy Fisher Junior, Five Alarm Funk, The Flatliners, Flesh Rag, Fontine, Norman Foote, Four Tet, Pete Fowler, The Franklin Electric, Fresh Snow, Danielle Fricke, Friendly Rich, Frog Eyes, Fruiti, Fry Truck, F—-d Up, The Fuddles, Evangeline Gentle, Hannah Georgas, The GertrudesGet Off the CopTim Gibbons,The Goddamn Goddamns, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Golden Feather, Good Luck Shop, Sarah Good, Goodnight Sunrise, Great Lake Swimmers, The Great Machine, Jacques Greene, Jeremy Greenspan, JG Ballad, Grey Lands, Greys, Grey\\Water, Groove MachineGUH, Guilty Pleasure, Hachey the Mouthpeace, Jordan Haller, The Halluci Nation, Hamilton Children Choir, Hamilton Conservatory for the ArtsHamilton Philharmonic Orchestra

Photograph of iskwē performing at Supercrawl 2018.

Hamilton Suzuki School of Music, Hamilton Youth Steel Orchestra, Handsome Sultan, Haolin Munk, Harlan Pepper, Sarah Harmer, The Harpoonist and the Axe Murderer, HarrisonHarrow Fair, Haters, Ron Hawkins and The Do Good Assassins, Hayden, Piper Hayes, HEALTH, The Heartbroken, Hello HarvardMatt Henderson, The Darcy Hepner Jazz Orchestra, The HiCats, Tim Hicks, Rebekah Higgs, High Kites, High Note Ramblers, Lacey Hill, Hollerado, Matt Holubowski, Holy Data, Hotel Mira, How to Dress Well, HSY, Humans, Huren, Ikonica, Illitry, Iskwé, Island PeopleJambassadors, Jamie xx, Jaunt, Jess and Tay, BA Johnston, Jon and Roy, Julianna Jones, Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, Julie & the Wrong GuysJunior Boys, K’naan, Kaïa Kater, Mia Kelly, Harrison KennedyThe Kents, Shawn Kerr, Kestrels, kid YEARS, Kiesza, The Killjoys

Image of Sharon Jones performing at Supercrawl 2015, with members of backing band The Dap-Kings and members of festival audience visible behind her.

King ParkKingdom Shore, Shawnee Kish, Taylor Knox, Kode9, Komodo, Kotek, Chantal Kreviazuk, KROY, Pierre Kwenders, L-Spex, Joey Landreth, Ryan Langdon, Language Arts, Daniel Lanois, Jessy Lanza, Lava Dolls, Bettye LaVette, Mikhail Laxton, Ada Lea, Alyssa LeClair, Lee Harvey Osmond, The Legendary Turnstylez, Hamilton Leithauser, Hubert Lenoir, Mattie Leon, Le Ren, Les Trois Accords, Letters to Lions, Terra Lightfoot, Lightmares, LightsLindy, Little Junior, Live How You Live, Kellie Loder, Lone RhuLonely Parade, LOONY, Lost In The Trees, Loviet, DJ Donna Lovejoy, Lowell, Sarah Lowes, LTtheMonk, Luckystickz, Luella, Luna Li, Corb Lund, Olivia Lunny, Catherine MacLellan, Raine Maida, Dan Mangan, Shanika Maria, J Mascis, Mayor McCA, Eamon McGrath, McMaster Cybernetic Orchestra, Ryan McNallyThe Marble Index, Melissa Marchese

Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar, Matt Mays, Matthew Runaway, Mean Old Hammer,The Medicine Hat, MegativeMelted Faces, METZ, Mexican Slang, Haviah MightyMississippi BendsModern SpaceAriane Moffatt, Mokomakai, MonkeyJunk, Monowhales, Monster Truck, Jacob Moon, Moon King, MOONRIIVR, Motel Raphaël, Motëm, Mother Leads, Mother Tareka & the Rebel Funktion, Mount FarewellMountain of Wolves, Muffled Suitcase, Benjamin Muñoz, MVLL CRIMES, My Brightest Diamond, My Son The Hurricane, Mystery Machine, Nailbiter, The National, The National Academy Orchestra of Canada, Nautiluss, nêhiyawak, Angela Nethersole, Sarah Neufeld, New Friends, New Hands, Nezqwik, Willie NileNot Of,Nyssa, Mimi O’Bonsawin, Jesse O’Brien, Chris Oday, Odonis Odonis, Of Gentlemen & Cowards,​ ​​Oh Susanna, Ohbijou, Ohmme,

Image of artist Haviah Mighty of The Sorority at Supercrawl 2019. The singer squats in a low haze of wispy stage smoke, positioned between a pair of stage monitors. She gazes into the audience and raps into a wireless microphone held in her left hand, while her right hand is positioned on her waise. She is wearing a black bucket hat, loose-fitting white short-sleeve polo tee, pale-grey sweatpants cuffed above the ankle, white athletic socks and black sneakers. Stage lighting is cool white and gives the performer a glowing aura.

Olenka and the Autumn Lovers, OMBIIGIZI, Opera Hamilton, OperatorsLindi OrtegaOsito, The Pack AD, Paley & Francis, Owen Pallett, Pandaléon, Peter Pankhurst, Gabrielle PapillonBrant ParkerPartner, Passion Pit, Fred Penner, Paula Perri, Sandro Perri, PersonsPet Sun, Peter Dreams, Petra Glynt, Pick A Piper, Lido Pimienta, Pineapple GirlsThe PistolettesPlants and Animals, Joel Plaskett Emergency, Pleasure Craft, Poesy, Poor Nameless Boy, Postdata, Keegan Powell, Neeraj Prem, Kelly PrescottPS I Love You, Pucumber Sasssquatch Family Band, Pumps, Queen Cee, Rah Rah, Rarity, ReaderThe Reason, The Recklaws, The Redhill ValleysLee Reed, Repartee, The Rest, Revive The Rose, Rexford Drive, Amanda Rheaume, Rhythm Express, Rise Carmine, River Tiber, Sam Roberts Band, Ben Rogers, Neena Rose, Shealagh Rose

Image of Spoon performing at Supercrawl 2014, with lead singer Brit Daniel captured mid-riff, looking down toward the position of his left hand on the frets. Bassist Rob Pope is visible behind him, turned in the opposite direction. Stage lighting is a wash of cool blues.

Sean Rowe, Royal Canoe, Royal CastlesRoyal SeasRules,Run Maggie Run, The Rural Alberta Advantage, Serena Ryder, The Sadies, Said the Whale, Buffy Sainte-Marie, John K. SamsonSandman Viper Command, Scattered Clouds, Scratcha DVA,Sensei, Several Futures, Sha Bang Bang, Shad, ShadeSharon and Bram, Andy ShaufAnnie Shaw, Jamie Shea & The Gentle Reminders, The SheepdogsNaomi Shelton and The Gospel Queens, Shout Out Out Out Out, SIANspheric, Simon and The Alexanders, Mike Simonetti, Simply Saucer, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Single Mothers, SINS, SkiffsSkirt Check, Alfie SmithC.A Smith, Smoothie Lou, Snotty Nose Rez Kids, Snowblink, So Young, Ben Somer, The Sorority, John Southworth, Speedy Ortiz, Spoon, Spruce Invaders, Ginger St. James, Alex St. KittsStars, Status/Non-Status

Image of Tanya Tagaq performing at Supercrawl 2017, singing into a microphone gripped in left hand along with a serpentine coil of mic cable, right arm bent at elbow, palm toward the audience. The artist wears a black dress and earrings with long red tassle ornamentation, a beaded cuff on left forearm and a silver cuff on right forearm featuring a pair of back-swept wolf claws. The background is dark, illuminated only by emerald green stage lighting.

The Strangers, The Stinkbugs, Steve Strongman, The Strumbellas, The Sugarman 3, Sun K,Sunshine Makers, Suuns,Superstar Crush, Adrian Sutherland, Tomi Swick, Tallies, Tanya Tagaq, Rory Taillon, Theo Tams, Tarantula X, Julian Taylor,Teenage Head, Texas KingIan ThomasThought Beneath Film, 3:1Timber Timbre, Michelle TitianTo Our Divide,Tongue Fu, Too Many Zooz, The Trews, Trickbag, TRP.P, ttwwrrss, TUNS, Turkey Rhubarb, TurnstylezTV Freaks, Jeff TweedyTwin Within, Uncle Harry & The Kickstands, Vallens, Heather Valley, The Vanishers, The Vaudevillian, Menno Versteeg, Vierance, Viet Cong, Vilivant, Suzie Vinnick, Voodoo Glow SkullsWalrus, Ruby Waters, Willie Watson, Wax Mannequin, Weaves, Bry Webb, Sam Weber, Weekend Riot Club, White Cowbell Oklahoma, White Crowleys, Whitehorse, Wild Domestic, JJ Wilde

From left to right, James McNew, Georgia Hubley and Ira Kaplan of Yo La Tengo performing at Supercrawl 2013. Hubley stands at centre stage in a pale dress shirt with sleeves rolled above the elbow, singing into a microphone. A circular lighting truss is visible above and behind her like a halo. She is flanked by McNew and Kaplan in black shirts, who are playing acoustic and electric guitars respectively.

Charlotte Day Wilson, Roslyn Witter, Steven WilsonThompson Wilson, Wintersleep, Wish, Witherow & Wynands, Womb, Wooly Mantis, ​Donovan Woods, Hawksley Workman, Max WrayWTCHS, X Ambassadors, Yamantaka//Sonic Titan, Yassin + Sean Terrio, Lori Yates & the Drugstore Cowboys, Yo La Tengo, Young Galaxy, Young Rival, Yukon Blonde, Zeus, The Zilis, The Zolas, ZONES and Zoon. That expansive talent roll will grow longer still with the release of details around the 17th annual edition of Supercrawl in June 2025.


TOP TO BOTTOM: Antibalas at Supercrawl 2014;  Arkells at Supercrawl 2014;  Broken Social Scene at Supercrawl 2018; Fateh at Supercrawl 2019; iskwē at Supercrawl 2018; Sharon Jones at Supercrawl 2015; Lido Pimienta at Supercrawl 2022; The Sorority at Supercrawl 2019; Spoon at Supercrawl 2014;  Tanya Tagaq at Supercrawl 2017; Yo La Tengo at Supercrawl 2013

Video shot on location at Supercrawl 2019 by Thrillhouse Studios

Supercrawl Insiders